
Showing posts from July, 2013
Mo, 7/29/2013 5 miles in Trieste, Italy with 834ft of elevation gain in 37:35 Tu, 7/30/2013 AM: 6 mile fartlek in Lizjnan, Croatia with 10' easy, 5-4-3-2-1' fast with 2' rest in 39:35 PM: 5 miles steady in Lizjnan, Croatia in 30:00 * 6:46, 6:46, 6:49 , 6:50, 6:09 (avg. 6:44) We, 7/31/2013 5 miles easy in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 32:32 Th, 8/01/2013 6 miles easy in Ljubljana Tivoli Forest with 833ft elevation gain in 40:06 Fr, 8/02/2013 Hallway shake-out and stretching Sa, 8/03/2013 WMRA World Long Mountain Challenge at the Maraton Karkonoski in Poland in 4:06:34 * 31st Place , 4th American - 5,660ft of climb Su, 8/04/2013 Travel back to BWI Total 55 Miles


Mo, 7/22/2013 AM: 5 miles down New Cut and up College with 401ft elevation gain in 29:55 PM: 9 miles steady around Patapsco with 1,422ft elevation gain in 1:08:31 Tu, 7/23/2013 5 miles down College and up New Cut with 396ft elevation gain in 29:20 We, 7/24/2013 12 miles steady at Patapsco with 1,893ft elevation gain in 1:41:27 * 8:56, 8:26, 8:34, 7:55, 7:57, 9:59, 9:30, 8:51, 8:01, 8:35, 7:19, 7:20 (avg. 9:00/mi) Th, 7/25/2013 5 miles down New Cut Rd and up College in 29:56 Fr, 7/26/2013 17 miles long at Patapsco North with 4,265ft elevation gain in 2:11:46 Sa, 7/27/2013 Travel to Slovenia Su, 7/28/2013 3 miles on trail in Trieste, Italy with 474ft elevation gain in 23:17 Total 56 Miles


Unfortunately, I will not be toeing the line this Sunday at Mt. Cranmore due to my late recovery from my fired up glute/hip flexor from the Mount Washington Road Race. However, posted a write-up and mentioned me as a contender at


Mo, 7/15/2013 10 miles steady in 100+ degress at Patapsco with 1,600ft elevation gain in 1:23:37 Tu, 7/16/2013 10 min, 3 x (3'-2'-1') fartlek with 2'-1'-3' rests at Patapsco Singletrack in 51:53 (7 mi) * 6:55-7:18-5:35, 6:09-5:26-5:53, 5:36-5:38-5:39... took a while to find a good stretch of trail that wasn't completely useless with mud. Ran the singletrack and woke up towards the end in regards to effort. Still need to get my legs under me. Had a great cool-down, however, Temperatures were in the 90's - Heat Advisory. We, 7/17/2013 4 miles down New Cut Rd. with 362ft of elevation gain in 25:26 * 12:39/12:46 - 6:53, 6:36, 6:57, 6:36 (avg. 6:46/mi) Th, 7/18/2013 11 miles on Patapsco with 7 x alt miles and 1,918ft elevation gain in 1:29:14 * 2M in 15:17, 7:38-8:47-7:59-10:21-7:36-7:54-6:36/mi efforts... didn't have much. Was very tentative due to my right knee/hamstring attachment being painful, but it held up well and didn't cause an iss...


Mo, 7/8/2013 AM: 40 min hills on treadmill at London South Place Hotel PM: 30 min hills on treadmill at London South Place Hotel Tu, 7/9/2013 AM: 30 min easy on treadmill at London South Place Hotel PM: Fly Home to BWI We, 7/10/2013 7 miles steady with 1,206ft of elevation gain at Patapsco in 58:02 Th, 7/11/2013 5 miles hard down New Cut Rd. with 387ft gain in 28:14 * 6:36, 6:08, 6:41, 6:29, 6:38 (avg. 6:29 /mi) Fr, 7/12/2013 20 min easy on treadmill in Katy, TX Sa, 7/13/2013 AM: 7 miles easy at Patapsco with 609ft of elevation gain in 56:53 * 8:41, 8:38, 8:28, 8:53, 8:25, 8:09, 7:47 PM: 5 miles steady down New Cut Rd. with 392ft of elevation gain in 29:42 * 6: 50, 6:36, 7:18, 6:51, 7:05 (avg. 6:55/mi) Su, 7/14/2013 9 miles with 2,832ft of elevation gain at Hollifield in 1:29:08 Total 50 Miles


Mo, 7/1/2013 8 mile long run around OSPark in 53:57 * 8:22, 7:20, 7:05, 7:19, 7:00, 6:59, 6:51, 6:49 (avg. 7:16/mi)... well, that long run went to sh!t. Ha, I lost track of my days, and didn't realize that yesterday was Sunday, thought it was Saturday. Well, I needed to run my long run, started out easy, but man, this park is like running in Vietnam, thru the jungle and on the beach (so sandy). Surprisingly, my right hip was absolutely worthless and tight, probably due from the 12 hours at the beach yesterday with the girls, jumping waves all day. Oh well, a step forward. Tu, 7/2/2013 7 miles with 15 min easy and 5.2 miles steady Yellow Loop in 32:22 at OSPark in 46:55 * 8:28, 7:34, 6:16, 6:29, 6:31, 6:09, 6:09 (avg. 6:49/mi)... crazy tough. Am actually pleased in retrospect, looking at my paces. This is not an easy trail, tremendously sandy, hot, humid, miserable, but I hammered it out, trying to relax as much as possible. Will look to double today as yesterday was a complete...