Mon, 9/24/2012
AM: 4 miles easy down New Cut Rd. in 26:31 (13:30/13:01)
PM: 4 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 29:31 + 5 x 10 squat-jumps
Tue, 9/25/2012
8 miles steady out to Patterson Park in 52:20
Wed, 9/26/2012
3 miles steady, 2 x 6-5-4-3' rec. 3' on grass at Long Reach
 * Progression from last week's 10-9-8-7-6' workout in which I started at 5:33 pace down to 5:20 pace, so today, with 36' total work compared to 40' total work, I started at 5:20 pace and got down to 5:12 pace for the workout in much slower conditions (stormed over-night) and muddy wet grass. Of course I don't make things easy on myself. I have been running so great, but needed to work on some power strength for the steeple later this year and did those squat jumps on Monday and my legs have been so tight and sore. Just sucks, but I got through it yesterday and today. Need to keep working hard. I feel like Squires describes in his book: "one day, with the proper workload under your legs, you will feel like a kite with the wind behind you, and an effortless sensation of running." That has been my running the last couple of weeks. Full of positive sensations.
Thu, 9/27/2012
AM: 4 miles easy down New Cut Rd. in 27:31
PM: 6 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 37:57
Fri, 9/28/2012
AM: 4 miles easy down New Cut Rd. in 27:21
PM: 3 miles easy in 23:00, 4 miles fast in 22:28
Sat, 9/29/2012
13 miles steady through Oella in 1:25:29
* Great run. Got in my run after Victoria's soccer match and before Tottenham vs ManU. The weather was brisk, windy, but my legs felt light and full of fluid run. I hit the bottom of New Cut in 13-flat and continued on one of the hilliest courses in the area. I absolutely obliterated my 20km loop time by about 4+ minutes. Just great progress.
Sun, 9/30/2012
15 mile progression on Patapsco trails in 1:38:02
* Opted for a progression on trails with the 7.5M loop, twice and ended up at 50:01/48:01, which is pretty solid. Had some good fatigue the last 10 min of the run, but otherwise, the full 100min without stopping. Just amazing feelings. Am loving running right now.
74 Miles

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