
Showing posts from September, 2012


Mon, 10/1/2012 AM: 4 miles tired down New Cut Rd. in 28:21 (14:40/13:41) PM: 4+ miles cruising around Ft. McHenry in 27:19 Tue, 10/2/2012 AM: 4 miles steady down New Cut Rd. in 27:21 (13:48/13:23) PM: Work in Pittsburgh, PA Wed, 10/3/2012 3 mile warm-up, 4 x 2K in 6:20, 6:27, 6:25, 6:36 (rec. 3') * Absolutely horrible. Wasn't able to make it to the track, went way too hard (thru 1km in 2:59) on the first one and then just crashed the workout. Was not smooth, was not fluid. I think my flats are a 0.5 size too big and it's causing an issue in my gait (over-striding). Ugh, not what I want this late in the game. Goal was 6 x 2km in 6:25. Thu, 10/4/2012 AM: 4 miles steady down New Cut Rd. in 27:14 PM: 9 miles steady out around Patterson Park in 56:40 Fri, 10/5/2012 4 miles easy on trails in Patapsco in 26:41 Sat, 10/6/2012 Aborted Great Allegeny Race 15K Sun, 10/7/2012 12 miles easy on Patapsco Trails in rain with Jesse and Dan in 1:29:28 Total ...


Mon, 9/24/2012 AM: 4 miles easy down New Cut Rd. in 26:31 (13:30/13:01) PM: 4 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 29:31 + 5 x 10 squat-jumps Tue, 9/25/2012 8 miles steady out to Patterson Park in 52:20 Wed, 9/26/2012 3 miles steady, 2 x 6-5-4-3' rec. 3' on grass at Long Reach  * Progression from last week's 10-9-8-7-6' workout in which I started at 5:33 pace down to 5:20 pace, so today, with 36' total work compared to 40' total work, I started at 5:20 pace and got down to 5:12 pace for the workout in much slower conditions (stormed over-night) and muddy wet grass. Of course I don't make things easy on myself. I have been running so great, but needed to work on some power strength for the steeple later this year and did those squat jumps on Monday and my legs have been so tight and sore. Just sucks, but I got through it yesterday and today. Need to keep working hard. I feel like Squires describes in his book: "one day, with the proper workload under ...


Mon, 9/17/2012 10 mile progression on Noland Trail in 1:02:29 * I was expecting to feel quite crappy and wasteful on this run, but the trail was beautiful. Soft sand, nice undulations, a bit humid, but I started out very easy, just feeling my body on the 5M trail. Some nice bridge crossings, I was working well and if feeling good I really wanted to hammer the second loop after feeling out the first. Well, I started going very well to finish up and then spent the day with the family at Colonial Williamsburg. Tue, 9/18/2012 AM: 4 miles easy down New Cut Rd. in light rain in 27:35 (14:14/13:21) PM: 6 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 36:43 Wed, 9/19/2012 AM: 4 miles easy down New Cut Rd. in 28:03 (14:37/13:26) PM: 4 mile warm-up, 10 x 400m uphill, rec. 3' + 2.2 miles in 12:14 Thu, 9/20/2012 AM: 4 miles steady down New Cut Rd. in 26:03 PM: 6 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 38:21 Fri, 9/21/2012 10 miles steady around Patapsco Valley State Park in 1:06:50 * 6:17 up G...


Mon, 9/10/2012 AM: 4 miles down New Cut Rd. in 27:46 PM: 5.5 miles around Ft. McHenry in 35:51 Tue, 9/11/2012 4 miles down New Cut Rd. in 26:31 Wed, 9/12/2012 1.5 mile shake-out (fever/chills) Thu, 9/13/2012 AM: 4 miles down New Cut Rd. in 26:41 PM: 4 x 200m in 33-32-31-31 + 4 miles in 23:05 + 4 x 150m cut-downs Fri, 9/14/2012 Rest Sat, 9/15/2012 4 miles down New Cut Rd. in 25:43 (12:57/12:46) Sun, 9/16/2012 15 min warm-up, 12km road time trial in 44:36 * 16:47 (5km), 27:49 (7km) Total 40 Miles


Mon, 9/3/2012 Travel to Baltimore Tue, 9/4/2012 Work Wed, 9/5/2012 8 miles easy with UA Run around Baltimore in 53:08 Thu, 9/6/2012 AM: 4 miles steady down New Cut Rd. in 26:35 (13:51/12:34) PM: Warm-up, 15 x 200m with diagonal infield recovery jog + 1 mi + 6 x 100m fast 33, 35, 34, 33, 34, 33, 33, 33, 33, 32, 33, 32, 32, 32, 31 + 8:23 + 16, 15, 15, 14, 16, 15 Fri, 9/7/2012 AM: 4 miles easy down New Cut Rd. in 27:45 (14:08/13:37) PM: 6 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 38:30 Sat, 9/8/2012 3.2mi at 5:25 pace, 30 sec rest, 0.8mi at 5:19 pace, 1M, 4 x 300m in 54-52-50-48 Sun, 9/9/2012 14 miles easy down to Patapsco in 1:41:31 Total 48 Miles