All My Secrets Await

Monday, 01-24-2011
8.32km around Ft. McHenry in 34:41 + 2 x Technical Exercises
* 6:56, 6:47, 6:49, 6:33, 6:27, 6:23 (6:42 pace; 150/163HR)... finally felt some bounce in my step, as I think the addition of my technical exercises on Saturday woke up my muscle fibers. Kept the pace brisk and strong with no real issues. Right hip is coming along and had a great run. Opted for only two sets of technical exercises, post-run.
Tuesday, 01-25-2011
14.43km around Patterson Park in 59:51
* 7:08, 6:56, 6:47, 6:50, 6:43, 6:45, 6:16, 6:22, 6:14 (Avg. 6:40 pace; 156/170 HR)..count that as the longest run of the year. Felt a bit "empty" starting out, as my body is obviously adjusting to the change in lifestyle as I work back into a routine and handling some workload. Looking at the splits, that's pretty darn good and I didn't mentally pick up the pace at all... just finding my stride.
Wednesday, 01-26-2011
8.58km out to Ft. McHenry in 43:22
* 7:57, 7:18, 7:06, 7:00, lost satellite reception (HR 140/157)... big snow-storm approaching and the streets were sloppy and soggy, with Ft. McHenry shutting down, so I did three boring 2 mile loops at a leisurely pace. Good recovery day.
Thursday, 01-27-2011
6.28km around Elkridge in 26:43 + 2 x Technical Exercises
* 7:26, 6:57, 6:37, 6:18 (avg. 6:50; HR 150/169)... first major snowstorm that I've experienced in Maryland. Over 10" of snow hit last night and the streets were shut down. However, by noon, the streets were plowed and I was able to get out and get in a run. I pushed back my 70-min run scheduled for today to tomorrow in nicer weather in Houston. Good run.
Friday, 01-28-2011
15.62km around Allen Parkway in 1:07:57
* 7:34, 6:51, 6:31, 6:40, 6:28, 6:32, 6:23, 6:19, 6:23... Flew in from BWI and headed straight out on my run, which was rough because my back was just jacked up from 4+ hours of travel. However, I made the best of it, as it was 77-degrees by the end of my run! Haven't run in those temps since September, I think. Anyway, ended up rolling quite well towards the end.
Saturday, 01-29-2011
11.19km progression around Allen Parkway in 44:36
* 2km easy + 2km at 3:51/km + 2km at 3:34km + 2km at 3:27km + 3km easy
(avg. 3:59; HR 156/174).. alright, didn't get any training from above, so I headed out on my own with a 6km progression run to throw in some intensity... was impressed at my ability to work and kept it going all the way through. Good hills.
Sunday, 01-30-2011
20.44km down Bonnie Branch and back up down Marshalee in 1:31:47
* 4:44, 4:44, 4:35, 4:39, 4:47, 4:38, 4:46, 4:28, 5:36, 5:00, 4:29, 4:27, 4:28, 4:15, 4:09, 4:02, 4:07, 4:08, 3:55, 3:48, 4:18 (avg. 4:29/km)..29:33 last 4.5 miles (5:33 last .91 miles)... have switched to metric, as I have some km workouts coming up and want to get better with conversions and understanding what's fast and/or slow in km. Had to hit the roads since the snow was omnipresent and deep on the trails. However, made sure my right foot was suppinating more often than not. No major issues. Took a gel and 8oz water for my final 4.5 mile push of "brilliance." Very promising, but come on, another 60km!! 
84.88km in 6:09:02

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