
Monday, 12-20-2010
Rest / Medial Malleolus
Tuesday, 12-21-2010
Rest / Medial Malleolus
* So, just a quick update: had an amazing long run on Sunday, but due to the snowy trails I had to run on 100% roads, which I haven't done for 2h20' in a very long time. I am guessing that the stress of the cambered road on my right foot was too much and the pronation in that ankle caused the pain, etc. Getting better every hour, I should be good to run tomorrow. Am being conservative with injuries this year, as I won't hit 3,000 miles (more like 2,700). No rush.
Wednesday, 12-22-2010
10 min test
Thursday, 12-23-2010
Friday, 12-24-2010
28:27 thru Rockburn Dr
* 7:00, 6:39, 6:46, 6:33, 6:13
Once again, tremendously surprised at remaning fitness. Wore my Macca Racers because I felt I needed something sans-stability to let my malleolus have flexibility and I had zero pain during the run (residual after). It was a great, relaxed run, with absolutely no issues. Very thankful, but I hope the worst is behind me and this is solved. Need to keep icing and wearing my compression sleeve for the time being.
Saturday, 12-25-2010
45 m
Sunday, 12-26-2010 to Sunday, 01-02-2010
* And thus, I am forced to take a sabbatical from running due to my right medial malleolus tendinitis or stress fracture. I am getting checked out today to rule out a stress fracture so I can begin training the first week in January. 2010 has been a loss, but I did accomplish my most important goal: the CR at Blues Cruise. It is one of the rare moments in my career where I set my mind to do something and although I was dismally prepared, I had a hell of a run and nailed it. The race basically ended my season, but it was well worth it. Now onto 2011 and greater goals and new horizons. The first goal of 2011 is to run pain free. The second is to test myself over 50 miles and learn to be more patient. In January I will execute 6 weeks of progressively building my mileage. Then I will build for the Bull Run, if I get in. And then I will qualify for the IAU World Trail Championships in Ireland. That is the goal.

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