Worth The Wait
Monday, 01-03-2011 25:15 around Ft. McHenry 3.50 miles; 7:13 pace; 143 avg. HR Tuesday, 01-04-2011 40:00 around the Inner Harbor Wednesday, 01-05 to TBD * And so, yesterday's run proved to be painful once more. Not a stop in my tracks painful, but that recurring, ugh, pain that I know will only get worse. I have an XRay schedule for Monday of next week to finally put to rest if I have a stress fracture or some bad PTT tendonitis. Regardless, this is not going away with rest and treatment, which makes me think that perhaps the bone is invovled. This is the absolute worst injury of my career and one that I feel could have been avoided if I was more experienced in this environment and terrain. Basically, running 22 miles on roads at a pretty good clip with these hills have killed my chances at a successful Spring 2011. Let's hope this one day clears up and then I will utilize all the knowledge gained and build up correctly and successfully with health. Depression is difficul...