
Showing posts from October, 2010

This Is War

Monday, 10-25-2010 5 miles relaxed around Ft. McHenry in 34:03 6:47, 6:37, 6:35, 6:25, 6:01 (avg. 6:34 pace); last .46 in  2:45 Tuesday, 10-26-2010 6 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 40:11 6:55, 6:51, 6:32, 6:35, 6:48, 6:07 (avg. 6:40 pace); last .45 in 2:46 Wednesday, 10-27-2010 4 miles steady out to Ft. McHenry (x 2) in 24:44 6:21, 6:33 (avg. 6:11 pace); last .45 in 2:35 CR; 157/173 HR Thursday, 10-28-2010 9.5 miles hilly around Patterson Park in 1:01:40 6:48, 6:47, 6:36, 6:52, 6:12, 6:19, 6:42, 6:12, 6:09 (avg. 6:29); HR 154/170   Friday, 10-29-2010 7 miles around Ft. McHenry in 45:42 6:49, 6:46, 6:40, 6:37, 6:36, 6:31, 6:36, 6:03 (avg. 6:37); HR 148/167 Saturday, 10-30-2010 10 miles hilly down Landing in 1:04:41 7:00, 6:40, 6:34, 6:28, 7:06, 7:24, 6:57, 6:27, 6:18, 5:57 Sunday, 10-31-2010 2:30:00 Total * So here's the update. I have had a serious anterior shin splint issue since Blues Cruise that has finally cleared up. The issue is that I have missed...

If I Had You

Saturday, 10-23-2010 4 miles through Rockburn Dr in 27:17 6:45, 6:26, 6:17, 6:01 (avg. 6:23 pace) ~ last .92 in 5:33; HR 161/178 Sunday, 10-24-2010 4 miles thru Rockburn Dr. in 27:26 7:25, 6:38, 6:25, 5:51 (avg. 6:36); HR 157/173

What I'm Looking For

Monday, 10-11-2010 AM: 3 miles easy out to Ft. McHenry in 21:48 7:17, 7:17, 6:55 (avg. 7:10) PM: Abort, Injury Tuesday, 10-12-2010 Rest/Ice Wednesday, 10-13-2010 3 miles steady to Ft. McHenry in 20:06 6:53, 6:37, 6:01 (avg. 6:32) Thursday, 10-14-2010 6 miles around Ft. McHenry in 40:28 Friday, 10-15-2010 Rest Saturday, 10-16-2010 AM: Dr.'s Appointment PM: Depart for Miami, Florida Sunday, 10-17-2010 AM: Rest PM: Depart to Buenos Aires, Argentina  Monday, 10-18-2010 AM: Arrive in Buenos Aires, ARG PM: Rest Tuesday, 10-19-2010 AM: 2 miles easy in Buenos Aires, Argentina PM: Depart for Santiago, Chile Wednesday, 10-20-2010 AM: 3 miles easy in Santiago, Chile PM: Depart for Sao Paulo, Brazil Thursday, 10-21-2010 Rest Friday, 10-22-2010 AM: Rest PM: Depart for Baltimore, MD

Smells Like Recovery

Monday, 10-04-2010 Day Off Tuesday, 10-05-2010 Rest - Right Hip Flexor Wednesday, 10-06-2010 3 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 20:41 7:07, 7:06, 6:40 (avg. 6:58) Thursday, 10-07-2010 6 miles around Ft. McHenry in 38:38 6:51, 6:31, 6:22, 6:09, 6:12, 6:16 (avg. 6:24) Friday, 10-08-2010-Sunday, 10-10-2010 Injured - Posterior Shin Splint (R) Total 40 Miles * So, in my panic to get healed quickly, I followed my instinct and had been researching ART Chiropractors in the area of Columbia/Baltimore. After reviewing the providers, I found Dr. Josh Bross , located in Columbia, and begged him for an appointment on a Saturday morning, and he complied! The treatment was great, and he instantly made an improvement in my pain and in releiving the pain from my confirmed anterior shin splint. He actually went above and beyond and I have found my sports doctor, he is a complete professional, and bottom line, he is awesome at what he does. Anyway, after a couple of treatments I expect t...

Blues Cruise 50K CR

So this is the email I sent to my Coach, post-race... Alright, just got home... here's my race report. Goal was 3:38 CR by some Brit that runs well at Comrades. He ran the time a couple of years ago and the record has stood. Called up the RD and told him I'd like to take a crack at the CR, and so he comped me an entry. Obviously, storms moved in late in the week and on Wednesday I had a Yellow Fever vaccination. Wed-Sat I had an allergic reaction to the vaccination and ran around with a left tricep the size of a 300lbs woman. Tricep subsided by race day, but I still felt awkward running due to the vaccination and reduced mileage (just felt weak). Weather ended up being quite nice race morning, 48 degrees, crisp. I freaking forgot my BodyGlide/Vaseline so that was my biggest worry... that and that I hadn't run over 2:20 in training all year. There was a good field, lots of Brooks ID guys and when the gun went off I got into the lead since 95% is single-track arou...