
Sunday, 08-08-2010
16.5 mile cut-down (5.5M) in Patapsco in 37:35-34:30-33:43 for 1:45:50 total
Monday, 08-09-2010
AM: 6 miles steady around M&M Loop in 40:27
PM: Work
Tuesday, 08-10-2010
AM: Travel to Panama
PM: 4 miles progressive in 27:35
Wednesday, 08-11-2010
7 mile fartlek, including 20 x 30s, 30s in 47:39
Thursday, 08-12-2010
AM: 4 miles steady in 26:45
PM: Travel to Baltimore
Friday, 08-13-2010
Friday Night XC 5K Race in 16:15 (3rd) + 7K at tempo effort (40' total)
Saturday, 08-14-2010
20+ miles in Patapsco with loops of 38:25-34:40-34:05
and final 4.5M in 26:59, last .9 miles in 5:05... total of 2:14:10
65 Miles

* Well, I managed to arrive safely from Panama and not have my training go to complete waste. I was able to knock out some quick, short runs to keep fitness, one which included getting kicked off the Costa (6km strip that is the running spot downtown, on the water) due to not wearing a shirt. I figured it was not worth getting arrested in a foreign country, and so had to cut my run short 4 miles. There was no option to keep running elsewhere, and the heat and humidity in Panama (90 degrees, 90%) was quite brutal, but fun. I haven't sweated that much in quite some time. I think I'm finally over my viral infection and stomach bug, although I have felt miserable for what feels like over a week. The great news is that I will not be travelling until after Baltimore and so I can get in some great, consistent training on the hills of Elkridge. I just need 8 weeks of uninterrupted training to produce some magic on that Saturday.

* Entered the HCS Friday Night XC 5K for a workout: the plan was a 40-minute tempo and after arriving home last night from Panama at 2AM, I opted to rest the morning and enter this "race", which is usually low-key. Well, it was the finale of the series and everyone and their mother showed up. I was hoping for 5:30 pace and let me tell you, I was in 20th place by the opening 400m and 10th place by the mile mark. However, I kept working, harder than I wanted to, and moved all the way up to 3rd place. It was the most ridiculous XC course I have run in quite some time, especially the series of zig-zag hills. Minus that hill section, I think I could've taken a run at the leader and opened up, but this type of course necessitated a certain aggression I wasn't willing to dish out today, as I opted to run my tempo (@ 25-min) after the race and felt surprisingly good at 5:40-ish pace. I have a feeling I will be quite sore tomorrow morning for my 20-miler, so we'll see.

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