Let's See

Monday, 03-29-2010
1H13' at 139HR + technical exercises + 8 x 100m strides ~ 19km
Tuesday, 03-30-2010
AM: 30' + 8km (4km at 3'45/km + 2km at 3'34/km + 1km at 3'45" + 1km at 3'33") ~ 15km
PM: 28'50" easy at Jenkins Park ~ 6.5km
Wednesday, 03-31-2010
1H18'08" at 153HR around Seabrook and Kemah ~ 21km
Thursday, 04-01-2010
50' easy on the Seabrook Trails ~ 11.5km
Friday, 04-02-2010
30' + 15 x 200m in 35", rec. 45" ~ 13km
37", 36", 34", 34", 34", 34", 34", 34", 33", 34", 34", 35", 34", 34", 34"
Saturday, 04-03-2010
House Hunting in Baltimore, MD
Sunday, 04-04-2010
1H18'40" with Rudy at Seabrook + tecnica + 8 x 100 strides ~ 19km
105 km (65 Miles)

* Completely unable to hit 160HR this morning on my workout, and I was moving. The only "mile" split I recorded was a 5:36 on Todville as I approached the Kemah Bridge, which I ran over and back to get the heart rate going. I was basically tapped out from the gun and was not able to move the HR past 155-157 until the final kilometers. Ran over a half marathon in 78' and perhaps much faster if not for some stretching stops. My left foot continues to be my weakness, but runs like this one help strengthen and condition it to the distance and effort. Crazy that I could not hit 160HR today. I would have had to have worn racing flats and attacked the run like a race in order to accomplish that mission. Perhaps that is what it will take in future attempts. Bodes well for future training. On a side note, I found out my temp housing, which will be at the Eden Apartments in Baltimore... quite a lush pad. Training will be questionable, but I forsee a lot of road running and treadmill in my future. No more spoiled runner's life...

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