
Monday, 12-09-2009
31:34 easy around the Seabrook Trails ~ 4M
Tuesday, 12-10-2009
31:57 easy around the Seabrook Trails ~ 4M
Wednesday, 12-11-2009
30:35 easy around Memorial Park ~ 4M
Thursday, 12-12-2009
33:14 easy around Seabrook Trails ~ 4.5M
Friday, 12-13-2009
31:16 easy on the Trinity River (Dallas) ~ 4M
Saturday, 12-14-2009
31:37 easy on the Trinity River (Dallas) ~ 4M
Sunday, 12-15-2009
32:54 (16:51/16:03) steady on the Seabrook Trail ~ 5M
30 Miles

* Coming around as my left quad continues to gain strength and work out the fatigue and strain. With work from Kevin, I think we can get this turned around. Decently pleased at progress. Am only a few pounds over-weight, bigger issue is body fat, which as creeped up to 11% and with no runs more than 30' need to watch my caloric intake and continue working core.

* Whoa, can you say I finished a full week of training, feeling better every run? Man, that feels good. Almost screwed it up today on my run as I twisted my left ankle in the final mile which put some additional strain on the quad, lower knee, but I think it's going to be alright. Next week will be 40 Miles.

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