Serious Racing
Monday, 08-31-2009 Drills + 12 Min. Warm-Down (2M) Tuesday, 09-01-2009 12 Min. Warm-Up, 12 Min. Cool-Down (7M) 18 x 200M in 32.1 Sec. with 2:00 Min. Walk 31.5, 31.9, 32.3, 32.3, 32.5, 32.3, 32.3, 32.0, 32.4, 32.2, 31.5, 32.2, 31.7, 32.0, 32.4, 32.6, 32.0, 32.2 Wednesday, 09-02-2009 AM: 72 Min. steady (last 1.2M, 7:06) to Pine Gully (11M) PM: 48 Min. steady to Morgan's Point (7M) Thursday, 09-03-2009 16 Min. Warm-Up; 24 Min. Cool-Down (10M) 6 x 800M in 2:22, 2:18, 2:19, 2:19, 2:20, 2:20 with 4 Min. Rest Friday, 09-04-2009 48 Min. recovery around Norman, OK (7M) Saturday, 09-05-2009 16 Min. Warm-Up; 18 Min. Cool-Down (9M) Brookhaven Run 5K in 16:12 3:09, 6:18 (3:08), 12:55 (6:36), 3:07 Sunday, 09-06-2009 60 Min. steady with Rudy and Chad at Seabrook (9M) Total 62 Miles * Guess I have to say I was quite surprised at my 200m speed on Tuesday's workout... one thing is for sure, I was blessed to have the track by myself and blessed to have such wonderful weather conducive to runn...