
Monday, 04-13-2009
Injured, Right Calf/Peroneals
Tuesday, 4-14-2009
20 min easy (7.0 mph, 1.0% incline) on Treadmill ~ 3M
Wednesday, 4-15-2009
27:24 easy around Jenkins Park ~ 4M
Thursday, 4-16-2009
8:06AM- 28:38 around Sylvan Beach ~ 4M
152 avg. HR* (Max 162bpm); 326 cal (40%)
11:20AM - Dr. Sanders Appointment/Treatment
Friday, 4-17-2009
8:19AM - 38:27 around the Seabrook Trails ~ 5M
154 avg. HR (Max 167bpm); 80-87%; 445 cal (40%)
Saturday, 4-18-2009
3:37PM - 48:48 around Brushy Creek Park ~ 7M
156 avg. HR (Max 177bpm); 81-92%; 579 cal (35%)
Sunday, 4-19-2009
8:07AM - 53:13 around Kemah with the Boys ~ 8M
157 avg. HR (Max 179bmp); 81-93%; 638 cal (35%)
31 Miles
2:49:06 Total Time (1,988 Total Calories)

04-06 to 4-12-2009
Injured, Right Calf

* Alright, I need to address this injury. I had a pain-free, 30 min run on Sunday, but then had a tremendously painful attempt at a 1 hr run on Monday at Seabrook. I think the surface had a lot to do with the aggrevation, but the calf needs to heal. I will be visiting Dr. Chris Sanders on Wednesday before heading out to Baton Rouge for the weekend for work.

In the meantime, I will research the proper training to accelerate a comeback, as I have a lot of plans this summer and fall, plans of which I will see to fruition...

* So, an update: I have started lightly jogging as the calf is now healing, but tremendously weak. Will aim for 30-40 min runs the rest of the week in preparation for full-training starting on Monday.

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