
Showing posts from August, 2008

ALPHA LEVEL 20, Week 1

Monday, 9-01-2008 AM: 10 miles relaxed around Seabrook in 1:10:43 2.5M Loop - 18:05, 17:40, 17:43, 17:14 PM: 5 miles easy in 32:33 Tuesday, 9-02-2008 Rest Wednesday, 9-03-2008 6 miles around Seabrook with Carson in 41:27 Thursday, 9-04-2008 Rest Friday, 9-05-2008 Rest Saturday, 9-06-2008 3 Miles Steady with Carson at SFASU in 18:22 Sunday, 9-07-2008 23'56" with Rudy at Jenkins Park ~ 3M Total 27 Miles * Not sure if the hamstring is ready. It was good for 5 miles easy this morning, but like the stubborn idiot that I am, I wanted to hit the 10M and the last couple of miles were painful. Not good. Am contemplating my 5M PM run, as the hammy is still weak. May give it a shot, as I expect much rain and non-training over the next week thanks to Hurricane Gustav.

Recovery and Hit the Road

Monday, 8-25-2008 4.5 mile recovery around Seabrook in 33:25 Tuesday, 8-26-2008 10 miles recovery around Seabrook in 1:09:41 Wednesday, 8-27-2008 AM: 8 miles easy in Cuero with Rudy in 57:00 PM: Drive Home Thursday, 8-28-2008 AM: 2 miles in 16:18 PM: Treatment with Dr. Kevin Landry for Injured Right Hamstring Friday, 8-29-2008 - Sunday, 8-31-2008 Break Total 25 Miles * Right hamstring is completely wrecked. Will try and get through week as best as possible. Looking to get work done by Kevin Landry on Wednesday, and I am also getting sick, as my body is worn down from Hood to Coast and lack of sleep and then the emotional strain of Rudy's brother's funeral just got to me. Oh well...

Hood to Coast Already!

Monday, 8-18-2008 11 miles recovery out to Pine Gully in 1:13:50, 8 x 100m strides uphill Tuesday, 8-19-2008 2 miles, 4 x 100m, 8 x 60" up Kemah Bridge 5:53, 1:05 (1:53), 1:05 (1:54), 1:04 (1:52), 2:56, 1:05 (1:56), 1:03 Wednesday, 8-20-2008 AM: Storms PM: Work Thursday, 8-21-2008 AM: 9 mile run down to Pine Gully in 58:18, 8 x 100m uphill PM: Travel to Seattle Friday, 8-22-2008 AM: 5 miles around DeKoker's House in Seattle in 34:10 9:45PM: Hood to Coast Relay , 6.08M "Very Hard" Leg 5 in 33:16 Saturday, 8-23-2008 2:42AM: Hood to Coast Relay , 5.69M "Easy" Leg 17 in 32:45 9:12AM: Hood to Coast Relay , 6.14M "Very Hard" Leg in 35:27 Sunday, 8-24-2008 Rest / Travel to Houston Total 50 Miles * Wow. What can I say? It is amazing what the human body is capable of achieving. So, Brooks flew me out to Seattle to participate in the World's Largest Relay, the Hood To Coast, that runs 197 miles from Mt. Hood to Seaside, Oregon. This race is amazing. ...

Great Start to Training

Monday, 8-11-2008 AM: 8 miles around the Seabrook Trails in 54:17 Loops - 38:54 (5.7M), 15:22 (2.3M) PM: 5 miles around Jenkins Park with Rudy in 37:31 Tuesday, 8-12-2008 AM: 9 miles up the Kemah Bridge in 55:24 PM: 5 miles at the Seabrook Trails in 33:22 Wednesday, 8-13-2008 11 miles easy at the Kemah Bridge in 1:12:18, 8 x 100m uphill Thursday, 8-14-2008 2 miles, 4 x 100m, 2 x 2000-1200-1600 in 6:17-3:47-5:09, 6:29-3:51-5:14 with 3'/6' jog rest, 3 miles ~ 82-degress, 80% humidity, 12 miles total Friday, 8-15-2008 AM: 9 miles up the Kemah Bridge in 56:30 PM: 5 miles around Seabrook Trails Loop in 34:07 Saturday, 8-16-2008 Work Sunday, 8-17-2008 16 mile run, after 4 miles, pick-ups of 1', 3', 10', 1', 3', 5' with 5' recoveries around Allen Parkway in 1:39:03 Total 80 Miles * I nailed a great long run this morning, so good, that I was not able to run with Rudy, Gerardo, and Chad, as my natural rhythm was just too quick this morning. By 6M I was bored ...

Change of Direction

And so, after final review, I have decided to not run Twin Cities this Fall. The Houston climate does not allow for a proper training environment. Over the last couple of weeks, I have just felt completely beaten down and destroyed, when, in fact, I should be gaining strength off of a couple great training weeks (98M/96M), but it is not to be. I will still have a peak effort that weekend. As of right now, I will commit to the Oklahoma State Jamboree Classic, a very challenging 8km race in Stillwater, OK. I will then do some stepping-stone races at the 10M-25K distance before finally transitioning to a 9WK focus for the ING Miami Marathon in January. So here is the plan: Aug. 11 to Oct. 5 Squires SWEP Training Oct. 6 to Nov. 23 Squires Marathon Prep Nov. 24 to Jan 25 Canova 9Wk FC Marathon Specificity

Shami Marathon Prep (WK 09)

Monday, 8-04-2008 AM: 1 hr 23:03 moderate around the Seabrook Trails ~ 13M 5.7M Loops - 37:35, 37:23, 8:04 (2km) PM: 57:27 easy around Jenkins Park with Rudy in 91-degrees ~ 8M Tuesday, 8-05-2008 AM: Tropical Storm Eduoard PM: 46:37 easy with Rudy to Morgan's Point ~ 7M Wednesday, 8-06-2008 AM: 1 hr 11:27 up the Kemah Bridge twice ~ 11M PM: 37:34 easy around Jenkins Park with Rudy ~ 5M Thursday, 8-07-2008 44:02 re-evaluation at Seabrook Trails ~ 6M Friday, 8-08-2008 51'55" moderate down Merryfield with Jake ~ 8M Saturday, 8-09-2008 1 hr 10:47 around White Rock Lake + 8 x 100m Uphill Strides ~ 11M Sunday, 8-10-2008 1 hr 53:42 around Memorial Park ~ 18M Loops - 1:35:16 (15M), 18:25 (3M) Total 87 Miles * Obviously, a very inspirational weekend spending time with Alberto Salazar, Adam Goucher, Kara Goucher, Amy Yoder-Begley, Galen Rupp, and Julius Achon. Rupp rolled a 23:11 for 5M on the Houston track in 90-degree, 72% humidity weather, while Kara Goucher dropped her pacers (S...

Salazar, Goucher, Rupp & Crew
