
Showing posts from September, 2007

Continuation on a Beautiful Morning

MARATHON LEVEL 19-21, Week 13 of 15 Monday, 10-01-2007 AM: 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 1:10:11 PM: 6 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 44:47 Tuesday, 10-02-2007 AM: 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in @ 1:08:00 PM: 6 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 38:19 Wednesday, 10-03-2007 AM: 2 Mile Warm-Up in 14:00, 5 x 100M Strides 4 x 1M in 4:52, 4:49, 4:52, 4:51 with 4.5' Recovery 1.5 Mile Cool-Down in 13:29 9 Miles Total in 1:04:58 PM: 5 Miles Easy around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 35:40 Thursday, 10-04-2007 AM: 6 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 39:38 PM: 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 1:09:38 Friday, 10-05-2007 10 Miles Easy around Pigeon Hill in 1:08:30 Saturday, 10-06-2007 AM: 5 Miles Easy around Shelby Farms in 33:40 PM: 2 Mile Warm-Up, 5 x 100M Strides Memphis Twilight Classic 8K in 24:32.66 4:38, 14:18, 10:13 last 1.97 1.5 Mile Cool-Down Sunday, 10-07-2007 10 Miles Relaxed around Shelby Farms in 1:10:08 Total 96 Miles * Week has starte...

Can This Get Better?

Monday, 9-24-2007 22 Miles around Kennesaw Mountain with Robin Rogers in 2:24:11 Tuesday, 9-25-2007 AM: 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 1:11:20 PM: 7 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 47:16 Wednesday, 9-26-2007 AM: 5 Miles around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 31:28 PM: 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 1:07:09 Thursday, 9-27-2007 AM: 5 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 31:32 PM: 2 Mile Warm-Up, 5 x 100M Strides Kaiser Permanente Corporate Run 5K in 15:40 4:54, 15:08 (10:14) 4 Mile Cool-Down with Malcom Campbell Friday, 9-28-2007 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 1:10:23 Saturday, 9-29-2007 2 Mile Warm-Up, 5 x 100M Strides Auburn Invitational 8K in 23:58.15 * PR 14:28, 19:28 (5:00), 4:29 4 Mile Cool-Down with Univ. of Florida Sunday, 9-30-2007 20 Miles around Kolb Farm in 2:10:00 Total 110 Miles * Absolutely great long run this morning with Robin Rogers. Robin is a former USF athlete that ran 2:25:12 in the Marathon not long ago. He is my massage therapist and hopefu...

Get it Off My Head

MARATHON LEVEL 19-21, 5 Weeks Left Monday, 9-17-2007 20 Miles, include Pick Ups of 1', 1', 5', 1', 1', 5' every 10' in 2:06:07 Tuesday, 9-18-2007 10 Miles Easy around Monte Sano State Park in 1:13:47 Wednesday, 9-19-2007 AM: 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 1:04:07 PM: 7 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mountain in 46:14 Thursday, 9-20-2007 2 Mile Warm-Up, 5 x 100M Strides 3200M in 10:09 (Jog 6'), 1600M in 5:01 (Jog 4') 2400M in 7:45 (Jog 5'), 1600M in 4:53 3 Mile Cool-Down in 23:28 [12M Total in 1:20:00] Friday, 9-21-2007 AM: 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill w/ Train in 1:04:53 PM: 7 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mountain in 45:54 Saturday, 9-22-2007 12 Miles Relaxed with Dave Howe to Cheatham Hill in 1:15:41 Sunday, 9-23-2007 1 Mile Warm-Up, 5 x 100M Strides ATC Ekiden Team Relay, 3.4M in 17:34 4:53 (Mile 1-2), 10:09 (Mile 2-3, 5:16) 4 Mile Cool-Down Total 97 Miles * Update on this morning's workout before driving out to Birmingham: d...

Gotta Put it Down

MARATHON LEVEL 19-21, Week 10 (11) Monday, 9-10-2007 12 Miles Relaxed to Cheatham Hill in 1:16:37 Tuesday, 9-11-2007 AM: 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 1:06:10 PM: 6 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mountain Loop in 38:18 Wednesday, 9-12-2007 AM: 6 Miles around Kennesaw Mountain Loop in 37:26 PM: 3 Mile Warm-Up in 24:03 9 x 1:30 Uphill in 1:30 (2:22), 1:33 (2:18), 1:32 (2:17), 1:31 (2:21), 1:32 (2:14), 1:30 (2:22), 1:30 (2:21), 1:29 (2:18), 1:28 3 Mile Cool-Down in 24:37 12 Miles Total in 1:20:57 Thursday, 9-13-2007 AM: 9 Miles Relaxed around aborted Pigeon Hill in 1:06:42 PM: 6 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mountain Loop in 38:12 Friday, 9-14-2007 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 1:09:33 Saturday, 9-15-2007 2 Mile Warm-Up, ATC Singleton 10M in 54:24 5:23, 10:51 (5:27), 16:17 (5:26), 21:52 (5:34), 27:07 (5:15) 32:40 (5:32), 38:10 (5:30), 43:37 (5:27), 49:18 (5:40), 5:05 2 Mile Cool-Down Sunday, 9-16-2007 12 Miles Easy to the Visitor's Center in 1:25:19 Total 97 Miles * ...

Change in Plans

SWEP LEVEL 19, Days 22-28 Monday, 9-03-2007 10 Mile Recovery around Pigeon Hill in 1:09:09 Tuesday, 9-04-2007 AM: 9 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 57:37 PM: 5 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mountain Loop in 33:06 Wednesday, 9-05-2007 AM: 2 Mile Warm-Up in 14:00, 5 x 100M Strides 2 x (300, 300, 600, 1000); 1:40 / 4:00 Rest in :55, :52, 1:48, 3:10, :54, :53, 1:47, 3:08 2 Mile Cool-Down in 14:12 8M Total in 1:00:00 PM: 5 Miles around Kennesaw Mountain Loop in 34:41 Thursday, 9-06-2007 12 Miles Easy up Cheatham Hill in 1:14:31 Friday, 9-07-2007 9 Mile Recovery around Pigeon Hill in 56:32 Saturday, 9-08-2007 2 Mile Warm-Up, 5 x 100M Strides Mercer-Atlanta Invitational 6K+ in 20:27.77 CR 3 Mile Cool-Down with Brennan Pratt Sunday, 9-09-2007 20 Mile Run, after 4 Miles Pickups of 1', 1', 5', 1', 1' every 5' + 10' Easy + 14' Pick-Up + 45' Steady in 2:07:32 Total 87 Miles * So, concerning the Mercer-Atlanta Invitational 6K ... I was not feeling great leadi...


* And so, if you've noticed, I've had a change of plans for the Fall.... perhaps not a complete change of plans, but an addition to the racing schedule in an extreme direction. Since I made the decision to pull out of Chicago and focus on an old school Cross Country, I have been racing and training really well. However, recently I was invited to partake in the Breakers Marathon in Rhode Island on October 20th, in a pretty much win-win situation in that I would not be out a single dime. Plus, it fits my work schedule beautifully, as three days later I take off to the Marine Corps Marathon Expo for a week of hellacious, non-stop, no rest, WORK. Why not trash my legs prior to MCM so that I can lose my obsessive-compulsive running habits and not be compelled to run in the dark streets of an uknown city and just hang out with my peers and family. So, case closed. I will race it and attempt a sub-2:25 effort, if all goes well. Now, back to this week. It's been a rough training we...