
Showing posts from December, 2006

Grinding It Out

Ready to attack another week of training. Weather has been quite warm and am not sure how that will affect my training. Goal is to at least get in an hour+ of running each day, really emphasizing on quality of training as well as quantity. Started off well with a good Monday fartlek (after a draining 20M the day before) and ran an adjusted track workout on Tuesday due to motivational and time issues. Wednesday will be a medium long run of at least 14M, while Thursday is the standard bridge workout. Friday is recovery followed by Saturday's either track workout or strength workout. If the weather drops into the 30-50's I will venture 2h30'-3h for my long run in Huntsville. * Update: Well, I had to travel to Dallas for business on Thursday and was emotionally drained by the end of the day and traffic, as well as quite full from a wonderfully relaxing lunch with my wife in the restaurant in which I propsed to her: Antares. It's a revolving restaurant 500-feet in the Dallas...

Getting Back to Normalcy

After a roller-coaster end to my week last week, I hope to now remain a bit more stable. This week has started decently, as I ran an okay fartlek on Monday, followed that with a disappointing, yet proud first serious track workout on Tuesday, and then had a heck of a medium long run on Wednesday. Thursday will be my standard bridge/hill workout, although it will be extended (more warm-up). Friday will be my recovery day and as of date Saturday will be some sort of road/track mixed workout, while Sunday will be a journey to Huntsville and perhaps an attempt at three loops. Monday, 12-11-2006 1h17'29" for 12 Miles of Fartlek on the Seabrook Trails 6 x 3' Hard, 3' Easy... Tuesday, 12-12-2006 1h19' of Track Work at Clear Brook High School for 12 Miles Total 3 x (1500-1000-500) @ 74" pace with 400M Jog Rest 4'39-3'05-1'32", 4'48-3'07-1'32", 4'45-3'06-1'30" (74" Avg.) Wednesday, 12-13-2006 1h29'10" fo...

Starting to Roll... on Singles

Due to recent work conditions, I am forced to only train once/daily if I want to keep some semblance of family life. So, I will be loading up the mornings in order to satisfy my obsessive-compusive nature when it comes to total mileage. I will still aim to be well over 70M week, and hopefully approaching 120M/week. Anyway, the week has started out well, as I felt no hangover from my venture past 2h10' on my Sunday long run on hills. Great sign. Also, made a great call to not focus so much on exact splits and turned my 10M alt. mile workout into a fartlek. Great mid-week long run and a solid bridge session round out the beginning of the week which will be followed by two "recovery" days and then a 5M time trial effort on Sunday. Monday, 12-04-2006 46'10" for 7 Miles of Fartlek on the Seabrook Trails 6 x 3' Hard, 4' Easy... Tuesday, 12-05-2006 59'14" for 10 Miles of Alt. Miles on the Seabrook Trails Alternate Mile at 6'15" Effort / 5'1...

Surviving Stupidity

Horrible start to the week as I thankfully survived Sunday's stupidity. Sunday was scheduled to be an 8M long run, but I was willing to extend it to 15M with Rudy Rocha, Brent Riley, Tom King, and Chris Bittinger at 5:45 in the morning in Seabrook. However, the "long run" turned into a race-tempo effort of "d!ck-waving" and interval training. Absolute high school running and immaturity. I was only man enough to stop at 8M to minimize the damage (had raced on Saturday and the sub-5'50" pace running was straining my left hamstring/adductors). Looking back, I will never compromise my training again. I think we all learned from this run. Anyhow, I was still feeling the effects by Tuesday's track workout, but I still able to hit my goal pace. Wednesday I was in quite some pain, but I toughed it out and had a solid bridge workout on Thursday. Friday will be complete recovery and I may attempt another 5 km race on Saturday before heading up to Huntsville w...