
Showing posts from October, 2018


Mo, 10/29/2018 Rest Tu, 10/30/2018 11 miles down and around Lake Williams with 1,040ft of gain in 1:20:45 We, 10/31/2018 7 miles down to Nixon Park with 410ft of gain in 53:40 Th, 11/1/2018 Fr, 11/2/2018 Sa, 11/3/2018 Su, 11/4/2018 Total


Mo, 10/22/2018 Rest Tu, 10/23/2018 4.5 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 35:47 We, 10/24/2018 6 miles easy down to Nixon Park in 47:00 Th, 10/25/2018 3 mile warm-up, 3 x 700m "D Loop" in 2:20, 2:13, 2:14 (rec. 2') + 1.5M Reynolds Mills in 7:49 Fr, 10/26/2018 12km strong around Lake Williams with 768ft of gain in 1:01:28 Sa, 10/27/2018 Rest Su, 10/28/2018 9 miles at Piney Mountain Rd. with 535ft of gain in 59:28 Total 32 Miles with 2,041ft of Elevation Gain in 4h10'


Mo, 10/15/2018 6 miles down to Nixon Park with 446ft of gain in 45:26 Tu, 10/16/2018 2 mi warm-up, 2 x 5:00 Fast, rec. 3:00, Abort We, 10/17/2018 4 miles around the trails at Nixon Park in 36:08 Th, 10/18/2018 5 miles around the lake in 42:11 Fr, 10/19/2018 7 mile fartlek around Lake Williams with 5 x 5:00 fast, rec. 3:00 in 54:15 Sa, 10/20/2018 6 miles easy on the backside of Lake Redman with 1,017ft of gain in 56:47 Su, 10/21/2018 12 miles at Duncannon and the AT down Hawks' Rock with 2,530ft of gain in 2:11:47 Total 45 Miles with 6,073ft of Elevation Gain in 6h40'


Mo, 10/8/2018 4 miles recovery on the HCGT in 32:41 Tu, 10/9/2018 4 miles of variation around Lake Redman with 354ft in 33:33 We, 10/10/2018 6 miles with 3 x 2000m in 7:08, 6:43, 7:11 + 1000m in 3:20, rec. 3:00 at York Tech Th, 10/11/2018 Rest Fr, 10/12/2018 4 miles easy up the HCGT in 30:59 Sa, 10/13/2018 Run for the Bullies 5K Trail in 18:15 Su, 10/14/2018 5 mile recovery on the Lake in 44:35 Total 28 Miles with 1,578ft of Elevation Gain in 3h37'


Mo, 10/1/2018 5 mile around Lake Williams with 554ft. of elevation gain in 39:36 Tu, 10/2/2018 Rest We, 10/3/2018 Rest Th, 10/4/2018 2 mi, 6:00-5:00-4:00-3:00 fast, rec. 3:00 at York Tech XC in 50:46 (6 mi) Fr, 10/5/2018 6 miles steady down to Nixon Park with 389ft of gain in 47:48 Sa, 10/6/2018 6 miles up the Appalachian Trail with 879ft of gain in 51:48 Su, 10/7/2018 7 miles steady on the Darlington Trail with 653ft of gain in 56:17 Total 30 Miles with 2,618ft of Elevation Gain in 4h06'