
Showing posts from December, 2012


Sun, 12/23/2012 14:46 easy with Perla around La Porte (2M) * And so, after a 1.5 day drive to La Porte and after Dr. Bross tearing up my calf at our last appt., I felt good enough to attempt a run, so Perla and I headed out. My legs were still destroyed from the weight session I did last Tuesday and that was my limiting factor today. My right groin was just tight as hell. However, no pain. Just great. Mon, 12/24/2012 22:08 easy with Perla around La Porte (3M) * So today was key. Would I be in pain? Would I be able to replicate yesterday's 15 min run? Perla and I headed out to Sylvan Beach, and although I felt some weakness at some point, I did not feel any pain. Once again, it was my groin that was the limiting factor, but I didn't want to push it. Tomorrow may opt for a shorter run. Tue, 12/25/2012 14:15 steady around La Porte (2M) * Opened up on this run. Super-windy, 25+ mph winds, so I had the wind in my face for 2/3 of the run. Still ran pretty solid and tested mys...