
Showing posts from June, 2012


Mon, 06/25/2012 AM: 12km easy around River Rd. in 52:08 + 6 x strides PM: 3 miles recovery with Choose Running in 25:10 Tue, 06/26/2012 8 mile fartlek with 1/2/3/4/3/2/1' on Long Reach track (Lane 8) * Right hip is back to being tight, complete let-down. Want to just go and not have physical limit me. Will loosen up and put together a plan for rehab. Wed, 06/27/2012 12km miles steady reverse River Rd. in 49:26 CR (29:03/20:23) Thu, 06/28/2012 AM: 8 miles total on Thistle Trail with 7 miles in 46:29 + 6 x strides PM: 4 miles down New Cut Rd. in 25:49 (12:58/12:41) Fri, 06/29/2012 9 miles in 104-degree heat in Patapsco inc. Ilchester summit in 57:59 Sat, 06/30/2012 11 mile progression, with first downhill 5km in 21:00, final uphill 5km in 20:30 (1:15:04) Sun, 07/01/2012 10 miles (20 mi run aborted) around Patapsco in 1:07:14 Total 68 Miles


Mon-Wed 6/18-20/2012 Regeneration Thu, 6/21/2012 6 miles easy down Bonnie Branch in 43:17 Fri, 6/22/2012 6 miles easy in Patapsco Valley State Park in 40:16 Sat, 6/23/2012 2 miles, 2 x 1600m in 5:08, 5:08 (rest 1 min), 2 miles * Gotta say, very surprising workout. Headed out to Long Reach, had a good first 2 miles, then got on the track and attacked the workout, but without looking at my splits. I just wanted to run. Was working well and was pleasantly surprised at the initial 5:08. Then, with minimal rest for my fitness, started up and was working to the point that I thought I was going to run 5:20's. I really fell apart the last 100m, which actually cost me a sub-5' effort, but nailed an identical 5:08, which was a very, very good sign. Cool work, got me pumped, going, and feeling good. This will be PR HM race pace in Houston. Sun, 6/24/2012 14 miles easy around Patapsco in 1:37:28 Total 32 Miles




MT. WASHINGTON ROAD RACE RANKINGS Mon, 6/11/2012 AM: 6 miles down Bonnie Branch in 40:16 (20:35/19:40) + 6 x strides PM: 3+ miles easy with Choose Running in 25:56 Tue, 6/12/2012 12 x 400m hammer 4's in 70/67 in 72-70-70-67, 71-70-70-67, 72-70-70-67, rest 45-sec Wed, 6/13/2012 8 miles recovery at Patapsco in 54:00 Thu, 6/14/2012 AM: 6 miles easy around Patapsco in 40:04 PM: Elite Sport Chiropractic ART with Dr. Bross on right Gluteus Medius Fri, 6/15/2012 4 miles down New Cut Rd. in 25:36 * I could not sleep last night as I was so stressed out about my glute. I was in so much pain, could barely walk and was just frustrated with myself. Thankfully, on my test run this morning, the glute held up well. Picked up my packet at Mt. Washington and am brimming with confidence because their 8% grade seems less steep than the 8% grades I have been running. The only flaw in my training is lack of 1hr+ at 8-12% grade, so that will be a challenge. I need to avera...


Mon, 6/4/2012 AM: 4 miles down New Cut Rd. in 26:15 (13:51/12:24) PM: 25:00 at 7.5mph 0-3-6-9-12% treadmill + 25:00 easy jog + 6 x strides Tue, 6/5/2012 Warm-up, 3 x 1200-800-400m in 3:44-2:25-71, 3:45-2:26-70, 3:44-2:25-69 ; rest 1:30 Wed, 6/6/2012 9 miles recovery around Patapsco in 58:35 Thu, 6/7/2012 AM: 4 miles down New Cut Rd. in 26:21 PM: 6 miles down Bonnie Branch and up in 40:43 (19:50/20:53)  + 6 x strides Fri, 6/8/2012 11 miles easy in Patapsco in 1:10:38 Sat, 6/9/2012 Warm-up, 4km in 13:46 + 2km in 6:44 + 2km in 6:41 (rest 1:00) Sun, 6/10/2012 10 miles ascending Ilchester twice in 1:06:38 (33:57/32:41) Total 64 Miles