Monday, 10-12-2009 (16 Miles) AM: 12 Min. Warm-Up, 8 x 1km Up Kemah Bridge, 12 Min. Warm-Down 3:18, 3:16, 3:16, 3:19, 3:16, 3:16, 3:15, 3:14 (6 Min. Recovery) PM: 4 Miles around Jenkins Park with Rudy, pre-storm, in 28 Min. Tuesday, 10-13-2009 (14 Miles) AM: 14 Miles at 6:18 Per Mile around Seabrook/Kemah (90 Min.) PM: Injured Left Foot Wednesday-Satruday, 10-17-2009 Injured Sunday, 10-18-2009 5 Miles with Madelyn around Pine Gully in 35 Min. Total 35 Miles