Mo, 5/13/2019 3 miles easy around Logan's Reserve in 24:46 Tu, 5/14/2019 6 miles steady out to Lake Williams with 1,188ft of elevation gain in 47:16 We, 5/15/2019 8 mile workout with 2 x 4 x 800m in 2:30, 2:26, 2:24, 2:24 + 2:28, 2:23, 2:24, 2:25 (rec. 90"/5') Th, 5/16/2019 Rest Fr, 5/17/2019 10 miles steady backside Lake Redman with 2 mi easy, 12km steady with 1,775ft in 1:12:36 Sa, 5/18/2019 7 miles easy on the lakes with 837ft of climb in 57:49 Su, 5/19/2019 Warm-up, Coventry Woods Trail 10K in 39:06 Total 40 Miles with 5,994ft. of Elevation Gain in 5h54'